The NAi (Netherlands Architecture Institute) reached ReD to design the Dutch exhibition for the Lisbon Architecture Triennale.
Under the theme of the Triennale itself, “Urban Voids”, the commissioner Hans Ibelings defined a sub theme, HORROR VACUI, as an analysis of the urban growth of the Dutch cities, which do not expand their area, but instead are occupying every empty space inside them.
Under this theme, the analysis of the Horror Vacui relies on the fear for empty spaces. On painting and sculpture, it translates on the fulfilment of every space left in the canvas or material.
Sharing the same principle, this exhibition relied on the occupation of the space designated for the Netherlands exhibition. This space fulfilling was translated by the presence of “buildings” in a city, volumes of different heights that occupied a grid of a a reticule of 1.2 metres , inserted in the dimensions of the space.
The volumes were variable in heights, with differences of 40cm, from 2.40m till 0.40m. On this rule, this six sets of buildings filled the space, depending on circulation areas (main - the empty space in the grid - and secondary ones) and on the exhibition spaces for panels and models.
This space and hypothetical city became then defined by the silhouette design of the volume buildings. The outline was a single closed polyline that defined space by contouring the edges, establishing different areas, spaces and groups inside the exhibition.
The 300 meters polyline was materialized in 196 aluminium profiles, sectioned in varied directions, depending on the shifts of the line while designing the space.
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DIAGRAMS: generation

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