The interaction between people and a large tree is commonly beyond especially when it comes to children.
PlayNest is developed for this precise moment, enhancing this iteration.
It is a metal-frame playground embeded within the foliage of a tree, Structurally independent from the tree, this structure displays a randomized morphology, increazing the area of chindren to climb (when compared to a regular quadrilateral based frame).
Also, due to this randomization, each knot becomes specific to it's own circumstance, negotiating the multiple directions of the different amount of branches existing in each knot point.
The typology of this parametric knot was not only developed to negotiate 3dimensionally these multiple branches, but it was also rationalized towards fabrication; the creasing/folding factor of these metal knots was embedded within the parametric model, retreiving directly from the computational model flat knots with crease marks, readdy to laser-cut.
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In the specific case of the three where to the project was developed (Phytolacca), and despite it’s size, the tree's i not aware of support external load, hence the design intent to structurally detached form the tree.
Programatically, the trees root already displays a Playground for children.
It became logical to replicate this same condition, enhancing the interaction with the tree, not only on the ground level, but above ground, inhabiting the voids and empty spaces left by the tree’s foliage,
increasing the joyful gaming experience that Already exists on the site.
The structure touches the ground in two places far enough from the trees roots. These are also the access points for the playground.
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