The IQ light system was designed in 1972 by Danish designer Holger Strøm.
It's component is a rhomboid shaped because, from the classic geometric shapes, this is the one that can give a most round form. Also, by giving the module a curl on each corner they become hooked together.
The proposed system (Interlocking-Hexa) reuses the interlocking feature, thus requiring no additional assemblage material nor pieces.
The difference from the original system is that instead of a Rhomboid geometry for the component (which would allow uniform round geometries), it is based on an hexagonal grid, passive of being variable in it's overall geometry and singular component.

The parametrical ground where the system is built allows it to adapt to any geometry (and any thickness of material), thus possible of constructing them with this assemblage system and material.
Non like in 1973, where mass-production and globalization was inherent to fabrication methods, today customization is spread at a level of a relative easy access to CNC cutters.
This project is based in this fabrication understanding, where in the very own parametric definition, it flattens and displays the material for fabrication/cutting.

Collaboration with Brian Peters
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