The programmatic requirements for this projects demanded 2 independent buildings, Hotel & Housing.
Due to the proximity to Taipei 101, and to the fact that it is placed between the Central station and an elevated high-way, the project acquired an iconic connotation. As such, it translates the values of a Gate towards Taiwanese society.
It becomes simultaneously a place for congregation, passage and entrance of Taipei.
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A module for the balconies is explored within the "linear balcony" typology.
Here, pockets are opened within the usual thin typology. This opens space for the existence of elevated private gardens, enlarging as well the upper and lower neighbor balconies.
This situation is replicated all over the building, repeating one "sky-Garden" per floor.
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The symbiosis between these three typologies generates two buildings.
Housing and Hotel - programmatic and physical independent - share the same collective behavior and image. They retrieve simultaneously a passage way a cross the site.
Despite optimal spatial and programmatic display, the typology is not efficient for Views, for it blocks itself and open up only to one side of the building.
The towers typology display more flexibility for Views.
Still, the proximity of the towers and maximum angle of 90 degrees between both towers jeopardizes privacy, creating again a conflict of views.
The rotation of each building allows the opening of all facades of the two buildings:
- this generates a singular display of two L shaped buildings only together in in of the smaller facades
- views of the buildings are opened to opposite sides.
Opening the building beyond 90 degrees (the maximum displayed by the towers typology), widens the sight angle and eliminates the conflict of views.
The building is spanned until the maximum limit established by Taipei Urban Rules.
The outcome is an angle larger than 100 degrees, providing wide angle views for each facade of the building, eliminating view crossing within dwellers of the both buildings.
The opening between the buildings is adjusted and redefined according to the program throughout the several floors of the building.
The areas are adjusted due to Room Types in the case of the Hotel, and Apartment Types in the Housing building, forcing the volume to expand and retract along the opening between the buildings.
The balconies provide a second skin to the building.
This skin generates not only long, generous and variable outdoor spaces in this skyscraper, but acts as a sun-shading device by protecting the houses from direct sun exposure.
Also, the reduction of the opening between the buildings in specific areas is determinant for reducing high temperatures, conducting wind flows throughout the buildings.
Rhinoceros; Grasshopper
Due to the systematic repetition of the balconies and of the module of the balconies itself, a parametric rule was generated that allowed constant updates and changes on the geometry.
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